Articles on: Preview pages

Preview page versus client page

Only users you have invited to your account have access to the platform. Normally you would not invite your client for such access. The pages you can access without an account, and are shared with clients, are the Preview page and the Client page.

Preview page

This is the most important and most used page. Every campaign has one preview page. This page shows the files you have uploaded to the campaign and clients can leave feedback and approve the files.
The link for the preview page can be found with the button 'View and share'.

Client page

A client page contains all the campaigns for that specific client. The campaigns can be organized within folders. By sharing this URL with your client, your client will have an overview of all the campaigns or projects you are running for them. They could also use it as an archive with files.
The link for the client page can be found on the platform, with the icon next to the name of the client.

Updated on: 16/07/2021

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